Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Parents Who Think Its Right To Spank What Do You Think Of This Story? Read What I Have To Say First. Also To Do With Child Spanking In General..?

What do you think of this story? Read what I have to say first. Also to do with child spanking in general..? - parents who think its right to spank

The man hit a 2-year-old daughter in public, not because his mother cry stop. Yes, he was rude and not just your company to take the child. But who are the accounts of the children of "cruelty" arrested. That reminds me of ... This man has been arrested for violence against children, a girl was hit in the face ... But when a father to his son in the face or your ***, is not considered cruelty to children ... . Come to think so. You do not want to hurt a foreigner, his son, but I think it's good that you can. Do you think that if the coup was the same amount of pressure on the child, either from abroad or relatives, it is not cruel, if the parents? If a girl struck by a stranger or a relative, as it was, orCcording to some form of physical violence. Yes, you teach no right to hurt someone, have not. This is not your body that you do not have. If this is not the right to kill his own child or someone on the street, why do they hurt? If this man has been arrested for violence against children, the parents should too. Either the man must be stopped, because the parents or the man arrested, and the parents should. After all, is no one to take the right to everyone. They would not be for everyone on the street or your husband or wife why her child. If your husband swears that you will not meet him, why beat their children. Wheres the logic? Why can not just be patient and teach their children, why not play SOMETHing why you fly ....

http://www.nowpublic.com/strange/roger-s ...


Bye said...

Well, it's madness in the country that allows corporal punishment ", which is the legal attack. There is absolutely no logic in so small they hurt someone. The research is a waste of time. There is absolutely no doubt that it is ridiculous to perform an action "cruel" if done to call a certain person, but "good" if it carried out by others. If an action is cruel, it is cruel, no matter who made the default action. It may be inappropriate to take such a break - give them unsuitable for foreigners to foreign child a break, but not cruel because a timeout is not cruel in general. Action in itself is cruel. This reasoning is simple. However, a law allows children to illogical to fight. During CASand it is not at all surprising to me. All Pro-spanking arguments are extremely weak and the desperate attempts to justify the cruel practice. Do not worry darling. We can not change that. We can fight - but while the mentality of people do not change, no sense.

Have a nice day

BTW, it is frightening to your e-mail, read Raven. Do you really think you are the owner of his children as a sofa or something else? People like you should not reproduce ... and just so you know, are the parents for everything their children do what is responsible .. look how many minors in American prisons.

Jamie said...

This is not a question of "damage" of a child. Spanking learning and other forms of punishment by parents and other authority figures, where appropriate, children who behave properly managed.

ajc123 said...

When a strange success of my son, I want them to attack. How absolutely shameful.

xAimee's Mummyx said...

I'd rather not in the discipline, how other people take for their children, unless it is a bit borderline child abuse. N spanking and does not allow parents to hit children in the face, but if the parents use to discipline on the bottom one out to your child and again that open up their choice. We simply can not agree on everything, is just a stranger to snatch a child for bad behavior ... that man must have serious anger issues.

cathrl69 said...

I have not really thought about it, right?

What forms of discipline _you_ not be used in children and adults? Remove permissions from the television? Grounding? Seems pretty ridiculous if you do not shoot, right?

Children are not adults. Treat children as adults have their own names. It's called "negligence."

Until we can say that criticized the methods of disciplining children by her husband, that I can not stop.

Canis Lupus said...

There is a big difference. Just slap someone you do not know in public, is an attack, regardless of whether the person is 2, 12, 22, 32, 42 or whatever. You can not make people go near, is a crime. And if a stranger knocked my son was arrested two people and leaving on a stretcher.

A parent spanking a child is completely different discipline. I am not a child should never be lost, then to the floor, never his face, hands, etc.

The point, "you should not spank the butt, because it is their children have reached adulthood," a logical absurdity. Children are not adults, and adults are not children, we must treat them differently. No meeting, not all, norto enable a child to ride, or to vote or buy alcohol.

Oh, and Raven? Apparently those who live under a rock, spanking is legal everywhere that the United States, so your data before you try to discredit someone.

luckytac... said...

Raven, where are you? It is legal in all 50 states.
To answer the question, is a child not just a small adult. This does not mean you are stupid, but that does not mean that their brains had to work differently and have no time to acquire all the knowledge that most adults. Young children do not have a very strong influence on the long term - it's just the way they wired. But we can use the link "I ran to the street, but I'm done beating.'s Bad, so I went wrong on the road" (paraphrased) if they explained what the beating. Sometimes it is not time to have patience - we must act immediately. I am a teacher, but never of the same thing twice already affected. I was not frieNDS or brothers and sisters who mean nothing to you?
To answer the other part of your question, it is not my job to discipline my husband, and not a strange place to discipline my children. It is my place to discipline my children. You can discipline your child what you want, as long as you do not punish so consistently, but not good luck she picks up a bean's worth. And there is abuse, and if you think you are, then you've led a very sheltered life so far, and it's time for you, volunteer work, which comes into contact with the victims of physical abuse so you can find to begin to distinguish between a girl, beaten with whips until the blood flowed in the back and a girlaft.
EDIT: Thumbellina, what if it for you, but I'll do what works for me. There is no limit, even to abuse, beat me, and I can say that for a fact, so I no reason to even try it out my options if they personally see my work for children.
For the plaintiff ... And if it fails to do, then you should not have. One thing that all parents have or should have in its arsenal, but it is something that all parents should be automatically excluded. It is not working for you - and shows that regardless of whether their parents were wrong, or do not work for all children. However, he could not for me, my sisters, my brothers, my husband, my in laws, my cousins, and manyFriends, which shows that in many cases, when well made a very effective form of discipline.
Edit: You're generalizing. Some parents, most do not. Think about it logically. In the generation of my parents and all generations before hitting almost everywhere, and often contain attachments. If it is so dangerous, why they are good for most people, parents and adjused?
EDIT: Thumbellina, now recognize that a different question, and frankly, I do not know what someone thinks they are smart to keep it because they believe that the Illuminati 9 / 11 staged from me.

Baby #1 on 12/10/08 Expecting #2 said...

"What he did was rude and not just your company, the boys made."

Not the case. There is nothing that is not "just" about it. You discipline a child at random out of the store, period. I am small, but if I were the mother, I have found to hit something or someone, the S ** t like that.

"If a girl struck by a stranger or a parent in some way to go to some form of physical violence. Yes.

NO. If you do not want to beat your children, it's their choice. It is also their decision to continue like an idiot for a pat on the back of misuse seek to equate the truth. I would add that many states before it will really hit on the buttocks orHand, and no abuse. A spanking for me was funny, but it happens sometimes. I never feared my parents and I felt abused me from them.

"It's your body that you do not have."

I beg to differ. Beside taking care of my son, I would like to see the moral and legal obligation that my son is a successful, productive member of society and ensure their safety on the roads. Everything that happens in this little body, and what I read in the accounts of the future.

"If you do not, you can kill your own child or someone on the street, why do they hurt?"

It's stupid. The vast majority of parents do not kill their children to lovethey are not, is illegal.

"Either the man must be stopped, because the parents did not, or the man must be stopped, and the parents should".

That makes sense. I mean, in a few years, I will introduce my son to school. If someone decides to relax at random before, you should not get it, be arrested, because it is something that I do.

"If your husband swears that you will not meet him."

No, but I agree with another poster, I am also happy in his room to get their PS3, or say he can not see his friends. Why? Since my husband is a grown man, was raised and formed and fixed. Considering that my son is doing well, my son. I, M communicate responsible for teaching the correct and polite manner. Personally, I list SPANKABLE oath as an insult anyway.

"Why can not just be patient and teach their children, why not play something, why Beat"

Seriously, I think most parents can do everything by the blows? In some ways, it is not necessary (a very young child can understand the words, but not), gravity, it will not be easy. The road is a big step, whatever happens. The stove, and I think when it comes to a child, it can happen that you do by burning them or to teach the same pot. Of course the ideal situation to prevent the oven, but they are fast and some houses may be possible.

better mom than u said...

They are not people tired of youre own Fantastic Voyage power is an illusion

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